A Note to Our Clients and Partners

eXelate Clients and Partners Worldwide:

I hope you are all safe and sound.

As you most likely know by now, New York City was hit with a devastating storm earlier this week which brought the region to a standstill. Electricity in most of lower Manhattan — the heart of Silicon Alley, and home to eXelate – remains spotty, and most public transit into the city and below 34th Street has been suspended.

After the safety of our employees, our clients are always our first priority. Rest assured, due to the diligent work of the eXelate Team, both our partners on the data buying and data sales sides have experienced only minimal service interruptions.

And, we are happy to say that as of last night, we are 100% fully operational. Data ingestion and delivery is at full capacity and all client interfaces are functional. Our tech and client service teams across the globe did a stellar job in keeping things humming.

However, because our NYC HQ is still without power and phone service, the best way to reach anyone on the eXelate team is via email; we will do our best to respond as soon as possible. We expect to be back in the office and up to full speed on Monday. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and consideration as our team works to continue to provide impeccable service under trying conditions.

If there is anything we can help with over the next few days, from data service questions to a place to “plug in” once we get power, please do not hesitate to contact your client services rep or me directly at markz@exelate.com.

As always, we truly appreciate your partnership and look forward to continuing to grow our relationship in the coming months.

Best regards and here’s to a speedy recovery,


How Can Agencies Take Advantage of Online Audience Data?

“The Changing Mission of Marketing Data,” a study by the Winterberry Group, revealed that US marketers will invest as much as $840 million by 2012 on information about digital audiences, transactions and “clickstream” behaviors.

So why are these marketers all turning to data? Data can fuel a marketer’s initiatives in three ways.

1. Discover. Data can help marketers identify new prospects, glean audience insights and observe and plan for trends.

2. Reach. Marketers can use data to target the right consumers, minimize waste and improve user experience.

3. Expand. By leveraging first party data and creating models based on best performers as well as reaching optimal audiences at scale, data can make a marketer’s job much more effective.

VP of Sales Jeff Huter dove into these three data abilities at Digiday Agency in LA last week. Click here to watch the presentation.

To delve deeper into how data can help marketers to discover, reach, and expand, download the presentation.

Hey There Delilah- the eXelate DATA version

Hey There Delilah- The eXelate DATA version

In December 2010, eXelate hosted the holiday event, Data Night. We gathered industry luminaries including:

We sipped beer, talked audience targeting, and forecast-ed the prominence of data in online advertising for 2011.

For comedic relief, our very own, immensely talented Tobey Van Santvoord wrote and performed the data version of the classic hit, “Hey There Delilah”. Enjoy- while opting in to cookies. CLICK HERE to check it out.

iMedia Agency Summit- Quotable Content from Monday Morning in Bonita Springs

On Sunday, we sent 2 eXelate folks, Tobey Van Santvoord and Spencer Lee, down to Bonita Springs, Florida for the iMedia Agency Summit. As the sessions wrap up for the afternoon, I asked the guys to email me the most notable anecdotes from the morning.

Here’s what you missed:

1. John Nardone of x+1 talked about the fact that too many marketers use DSP’s for in-market targeting only (re-targeting specifically) and neglect upper funnel. For online audience targeting to scale and garner additional budget, marketers need to focus on filling the top of the funnel.

2. “Online video ads have a 18.3% more attentiveness than TV ads”. – YuMe and IPG Media Lab session.

3. In the session, “Privacy: Pain or Asset?” Scott Meyer of Evidon polled the audience, “Who is responsible for privacy in your organization or your clients’ organizations?”.  Less than 1/5 of the room raised their hands. As an industry, we need to make sure that consumer data is not misused.

4. Great quotes from Jack Myers in the opening keynote: “Transformations take 30 years. We are in the stage of monetization, implementation and application.” “We [interactive marketers] should think of ourselves as agents of stability versus agents of change.”

Stay tuned for more from the iMedia Agency Summit, and don’t forget to come by the eXelate After Dinner Reception at 9:30pm for cocktails, NBA Playoff action, and a chance to win a Boxee!

eXelate Launches DataLinX and DataShield at OMMA Behavioral

Stop by our booth to find out more BEFORE the press release comes out this morning!

5 Tips for Publishers Looking to Invest in a Data Management Platform

5 DMP tips

2 weeks ago, our CEO, Mark S. Zagorski, wrote a byline about data management platforms (DMPs) for MediaPost. Here are some of the highlights:


As an online publisher, your content and the audience you’ve developed are key to your success. Building a scalable infrastructure to manage these is a competitive advantage.

Consider the following 5 tips when evaluating a partner to help promote your data management strategy. Focus on the fundamentals — management, monetization and monitoring.

1. Data Management Isn’t Tag Management

Data management, and specifically audience data management, is a relatively complex activity that goes beyond simply trafficking pixels on a publisher site. Although tag rotation is an important component of any data management toolset, it is just the starting point. Audience segmentation, data protection, audience insight and secure data delivery are key facets of a well-rounded data management practice. It is crucial to partner with a technology provider that enables these behaviors. For sophisticated publishers, the opportunities that abound in leveraging the key asset of audience data will only be unlocked in a solution that delivers a breadth of features.

2. The M in DMP Means More Than “Management”

The key reason publishers are scrambling to understand DMPs is because of the other key “M” – money. DMPs have to provide a clear path to positive ROI, generally through the ability to either: 1) make the value of your onsite inventory greater through data 2) enable you to extend the reach of your audience by audience distribution on complementary media sources or 3) provide you with a direct conduit to new revenue for your audience data through a controlled distribution channel. All these monetization channels are not mutually exclusive; they have a system that gives you the ability to flexibly move from one revenue option to another is a key.

3. Monetizing Data is a Different Animal

The ability to transfer audience data outside of your site — whether it is for your ad team’s use in an audience extension play, as a direct sale to an advertiser/exchange, or as part of a value-add package to an agency, is a feature which fully leverages the power of a solid DMP. Once data leaves the mother ship, you need to be able to ensure that both the means of the transfer are secure and that the privacy considerations you maintain are carried on outside of your site. In addition, make sure your partner “plugs” are robust, control and flexibility are essential. Every partnership is different and may entail specific pricing, transparency, access or rights that should be readily controllable by you. A DMP should help you monetize your data — if you work with a platform that has been constructed with dynamic partner access/monetization and strong publisher control.

4. DMPs (and Data Management Strategies) Are Not Built Overnight

“It’s so easy” may apply to Guns N’ Roses songs — falling in love and remembering how to ride a bike — but not to mastering audience data management. If you think about it, DMPs are similar to CRM tools. Building a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use system on the supplier side and operating it efficiently on the publisher side takes time and resources. Audiences don’t segment themselves, so you need to make sure your team is prepared for the ongoing effort it will take to manage data. Like inventory management, audience management is an iterative process, not an auto-pilot solution.

Ask if your DMP partner is going to provide support for your team as well as how they plan to help you manage the ever-changing advertising and regulatory landscape. Make sure they have the backing to be with you for the long haul. Through product upgrades and strategic support, your DMP partner should be able to keep you at the forefront of data monetization, management and monitoring trends. This takes platform depth, team stability and a solid investment backbone for all involved. As audience data value begins to approach media value, consider whom you trust with this asset.

5. Your Data is Valuable – Protect It

The greatest data management toolset in the world is worthless unless you protect the value of what it is managing. Making sure that your “plugs” to buyers are secure is one thing, but protecting access from surreptitious applications is quite another. Third-party ad units, widgets, embedded content, text links, sharing tools and more are all “open doors” which can provide easy and unauthorized access to your data. Some of my industry colleagues like to call this “data leakage,” I prefer “data theft.”

“Leakage” connotes that the data seeps out and is lost, whereas what is actually happening is that someone is actively harvesting it and using that data — with no recompense to you. So a third definition of the “M” in DMP needs to be “monitor,” and any tool that is worth using for the first two “M’s” (managing and monetizing) should also include this feature. Understanding who may be accessing your audience data and having the ability to white/blacklist certain activity is critical to ensuring that your overall audience strategy is sound. No one will be interested in monetizing your audience if they are getting it for free.